Category: Apple
Global Hotkeys for iTunes
Fantastic app! Simply runs in the background and allows you to set/use short cut keys for controlling iTunes.
iPhone 4 complete preview
from The Iphone Blog
Recreating your iTunes library
I keep all my media (music, TV, movies, etc) on my media center or home theatre PC. But I connect my iTouch to a different computer. So of course I have to have some network drives mapped to my media PC to sync all my music. This works fine, until you rebuild your media PC…
Trouble syncing iTunes Videos
One of the main reason I purchased my iPod Touch was to watch videos on the train on the way to work. And this has been work out great for me. One of the small problems I had was there seemed to be certain show that it didn’t want to sync properly. I have the…
iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode
I had a weird problem with my wife’s iPod recently. When I connected it I got and error saying “iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode – Use iTunes to restore” but if I logged into the PC as myself it worked fine. It turns out that it was a drive mapping problem. My…
TuneUp Your Music Collection
I found a program the other day called TuneUp that fixes all the song information (track title, album title & album art) for all your music in iTunes. I only tried the free 100 song version as I have already done most of my by hand now. But for the few albums I did do,…
My 15 Favorite iPhone/iTouch Apps
I really like my iPod Touch, it’s the most usefull PDA type device I have ever owned. It is so usefull and easy to use. There are loads (25,000?) of applications available for it , here are some of my favorite: Application Toodledo [iTtunes] – List / to do management eWallet [iTunes] – Password management…
Working From Your iPhone
While I only have an iTouch (iPod Touch) myself, I do use it quite allot and find it a very useful tool. Elliott at Mashable has a good list of application to Better Web-Working From Your iPhone. I can personally recommend Toodledo [iTtunes], I use it allot and think it is well worth the $3.99
iTunes – Disk error writing to iPod
The other day I started getting the error “Attempting to copy to the disk <ipod name> failed” when tying to sync my music and video. At first I thought it might have been one of the applications I had put on that save files to the iPod or that something had gone wrong with my…
Deleting files in iTunes
I discovered last night that if you shift delete a song or video in an iTunes playlist it will ask you if you want to delete it from your library. Normally just hitting delete with a file selected in a playlist will only delete it from that playlist.