Category: Apple

  • Global Hotkeys for iTunes

    Fantastic app! Simply runs in the background and allows you to set/use short cut keys for controlling iTunes.

  • iPhone 4 complete preview

    from The Iphone Blog

  • Recreating your iTunes library

    I keep all my media (music, TV, movies, etc) on my media center or home theatre PC. But I connect my iTouch to a different computer. So of course I have to have some network drives mapped to my media PC to sync all my music. This works fine, until you rebuild your media PC…

  • Trouble syncing iTunes Videos

    One of the main reason I purchased my iPod Touch was to watch videos on the train on the way to work. And this has been work out great for me. One of the small problems I had was there seemed to be certain show that it didn’t want to sync properly. I have the…

  • iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode

    I had a weird problem with my wife’s iPod recently. When I connected it I got and error saying “iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode – Use iTunes to restore” but if I logged into the PC as myself it worked fine. It turns out that it was a drive mapping problem. My…

  • TuneUp Your Music Collection

    I found a program the other day called TuneUp that fixes all the song information (track title, album title & album art) for all your music in iTunes. I only tried the free 100 song version as I have already done most of my by hand now. But for the few albums I did do,…

  • My 15 Favorite iPhone/iTouch Apps

    I really like my iPod Touch, it’s the most usefull PDA type device I have ever owned. It is so usefull and easy to use. There are loads (25,000?) of applications available for it , here are some of my favorite: Application Toodledo [iTtunes] – List / to do management eWallet [iTunes] – Password management…

  • Working From Your iPhone

    While I only have an iTouch (iPod Touch) myself, I do use it quite allot and find it a very useful tool. Elliott at Mashable has a good list of application to Better Web-Working From Your iPhone. I can personally recommend Toodledo [iTtunes], I use it allot and think it is well worth the $3.99

  • iTunes – Disk error writing to iPod

    The other day I started getting the error “Attempting to copy to the disk <ipod name> failed” when tying to sync my music and video. At first I thought it might have been one of the applications I had put on that save files to the iPod or that something had gone wrong with my…

  • Deleting files in iTunes

    I discovered last night that if you shift delete a song or video in an iTunes playlist it will ask you if you want to delete it from your library. Normally just hitting delete with a file selected in a playlist will only delete it from that playlist.