Installing software into a FreeNAS jail

Go to Jails
On the right side of the page click the triple dots next to the Plex jail and select Shell
type “whoami” and make sure the response is root (if not use su – or sudo)
type vi /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf and press enter
If the file exists, look for a line with “FreeBSD: { enabled: no }” and change the no to a yes
If the file is empty type out “FreeBSD: { enabled: yes }
(if you are unfamiliar with vi, to edit just press the letter “a” then type the above stuff without the quotes)
To save, hit the escape button twice and type “:wq” without the quotes
type “exit”
Hit the triple dots again and hit restart for the plex jail
After a few seconds and it is back online hit the triple dots and go to shell
type “pkg update -f” if it prompts you for anything say yes
type “pkg upgrade” and if it prompts you for anything hit yes
You should now be able to install what you need by doing: “pkg install wget ca_root_nss curl perl5 -y”







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