I import allot of TV into iTunes for watching on my iPod touch. By default, it imports all the videos into Movies even though they are actually TV shows. But when you buy TV shows through the iTunes store, it puts the videos into TV Shows. I wondered how it determined the difference and finally today made an effort to find out.
It turns out the answer is simple.
- Select the video(s), right-click on it and choose Get Info.
- Click on the Options tab and in the Media Kind drop down box, select “TV Show”.
iTunes will then move the video(s) from the Movies section into the TV Shows sections.
Doing this not only marks your TV shows as TV shows but it can also make syncing them easier by using the various unwatched options on the TV Shows tab for your iPod / iPhone, the one you don’t see until you plug it in.
NOTE: While doing this will group your TV episodes in iTunes on the desktop. It will only group the episodes on your iPod/iPhone if you have 3 or more episodes of the same show. Otherwise they just appear individually.
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