My Tech Notes

  • Setting an static IP address in RHEL (the old way)

    In RHEL8, you use NetworkManager or NMCLI to configure the networking, but in RHEL7 and before, you had to do it a different way. In this post I show you which files you need to configure to be able set a static IP in REHL7.

  • PHP Script to return random D&D Monster name

    I wanted to have a quick an easy way to get a random name, from say a list of D&D monsters. But I wanted the script to be accessible from anywhere on the network. So I wrote this simple PHP script and put it on a web server.

  • VMWare Player – How to change the default VM Location

    By default, VMWare Player saves any VM you create to your documents folder and there doesn’t appear to be a way to change that. However, there is.

  • Turning off suggestions in Visual Studio Code

    Visual Studio Code, is a great program and it is my favorite editor, however it bugs me that it makes suggestions for every second work I type. This is how you turn that off.

  • How to Change Authentication Method in MySQL

    First, to check what is being used run this, SELECT user, authentication_string, plugin, host FROM mysql.user; If the user you are having issues with is set to auth_socket then you may need to change it to method with mysql_native_password Like this, mysql> ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘password’; Change root to the user…

  • Installing software into a FreeNAS jail

    Go to Jails On the right side of the page click the triple dots next to the Plex jail and select Shell type “whoami” and make sure the response is root (if not use su – or sudo) type vi /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf and press enter If the file exists, look for a line with “FreeBSD: {…

  • How to set a static IP address in RHEL8

    How to set a static IP address in RHEL8 # get the current connection name [root@localhost ~]# nmcli con show NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE ens160 6b0e7866-7d4f-4668-afbf-a485f9a1e6db ethernet ens160 # Note the NAME of the connection # To see what IP, gateway and DNS you are currently using do [root@localhost ~]# nmcli con show ens160 |…

  • Mount and ISO in FreeBSD or FreeNAS

    How to mount a ISO in FreeBSD/NAS: mount -t cd9660 /dev/`mdconfig -f cdimage.iso` /mnt

  • Installing Visual Studio Code on RHEL

    RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS based distributions We currently ship the stable 64-bit VS Code in a yum repository, the following script will install the key and repository: sudo rpm –import sudo sh -c ‘echo -e “[code]\nname=Visual Studio Code\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=” > /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo’ Then update the package cache and install the package using dnf (Fedora 22 and…

  • How to add drivers to a windows install file / ISO

    C:\> Dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\temp\install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\mount C:\> Dism /Add-Driver /Image:”c:\mount” /Driver:”C:\temp\x64″ /Recurse C:\> dism /unmount-wim /Mountdir:c:\mount /commit

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