Tag: key
Using GitHub with SSH Keys
Generate SSH Key on your system$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C “your_email@example.com” View you new SSH Key$ ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub Open github, go to setting, SSH and GPG Keys, click add a new key,page contents of id_ed25519.pub into box.
Remapping the delete key on MacOS High Sierra
To change the Delete key actually delete rather than backspace, run this command: $ hidutil property –set ‘{“UserKeyMapping”:[{“HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc”:0x70000004C,”HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst”:0x70000002A},{“HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc”:0x70000002A,”HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst”:0x70000004C}]}’ to change it back again, run this command: $ hidutil property –set ‘{“UserKeyMapping”:[{“HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc”:0x70000002A,”HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst”:0x70000002A},{“HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc”:0x70000002A,”HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst”:0x70000002A}]}’ Source : https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2450/_index.html
Using Putty with a PPK Key File
Using Putty with a PPK Key File If you have a PPK file that you need to use to connect to a server, say an AWS instance, here’s how. Enter your public DNS name in the Host name field. 2. Expand the Connection branch on the left and then select Auth. 3. Us the Browse…
Using PuttyKeyGen to generate a PPK file
How to use PuttyKeyGen to generate a PPK file from a PEM file. Download you PEM File from AWS Copy it to a safe location Download either the entire Putty package and install everything, or just get Putty.exe and PuttyGen.exe It can be downloaded from here Open PuttyGen Click file, then load private key Select…