Tag: EC2
Create a new AWS Instance
1. Click Services in the top left corner 2. Click EC2 3. Click the Launch Instance button in about the middle of the page 4. Click Select next to “Amazon Linux – Free Tier eligible” 5. Make sure the blue box next to the t2.micro free eligible is selected 6. Click Next: Configure instance details 7.…
Enable Plugin Installation on AWS EC2 Instances
If you have setup an Linux instance in AWS with WordPress and are having trouble installing plugins because it is asking for an FTP username and password. All you have to do is run this command and then it won’t ask you anymore, it will just install them. sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html
Connecting to Your Linux Instance Using SSH – Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
Enable Plugin Installation on AWS EC2 Instances
If you have setup an Linux instance in AWS with WordPress and are having trouble installing plugins because it is asking for an FTP username and password. All you have to do is run this command and then it won’t ask you anymore, it will just install them. sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html
Can’t access web server on AWS EC2 instance
Go to Network & Security, then security groups. Select the Security Group for the server. Select the Inbound tab. Make sure both SSH and HTTP and selected. I had to add a rule for HTTP