• Creating and extending Linux LVMs

    Notes on how to create or add disk, volume groups and logical volume in Linux (RedHat) 1. First add disk to system by what ever means your system requires. 2. Find name of disk using fdisk # fdisk -l /dev/sd* | grep i ‘Disk’ For my examples below, it would have listed sdb but not…

  • Shell Redirect

    Discard the output Sometimes you will need to execute a command, but you don’t want the output displayed on the screen. In such cases, you can discard the output by redirecting it to the file /dev/null − $ command > /dev/null Here command is the name of the command you want to execute. The file…

  • Setgid

    When set on a directory, Setting the setgid permission on a directory (e.g. “chmod g+s”) it causes new files and subdirectories created within it to inherit its group ID, rather than the primary group ID of the user who created the file (the owner ID is never affected, only the group ID).

  • Setting up SSH to use key pairs

    If you SSH to the same server a lot and don’t want to type the password each time you can configure SSH so you don’t have to. First login to your terminal as normal and run $ ssh-keygen This will ask you the name of the key pair file you want to use. It will…

  • Setting the hostname on your Mac

    Setting the hostname on your Mac using scuttle Open a terminal. Type the following command to change the primary hostname of your Mac: sudo scutil –set HostName <new host name> Type the following command to change the Bonjour hostname of your Mac: sudo scutil –set LocalHostName <new host name> Optional: If you also want to…

  • Unix Terminal Colors

    When using a puTTY or terminal window to a Unix server some people like to set the colours of the text or background, some people don’t. Sometimes I like to set the text colour to be like to old school Amber monitors. To do this I use following colour settings RED: 255, GREEN: 128, BLUE:…

  • Oracle to acquire Sun Microsystems

    I got a surprise when i saw that Oracle is to acquire Sun this morning. Working with both products allot I’ll be interested to see how this develops. It will also be interesting to see what this means for products like MySQL and Oracle Linux.