Category: Playbook

  • Use AS3 to Grab Exif Data From a JPG Image

    Haven’t tried it yet, hope to as soon as my ActionScript skills are up to it.

  • Compile Blackberry Playbook Applications without using Flash Builder

    Blackberry have some great info on how to develop applications for their new Playbook HERE but it uses Adobe Flash Builder. Which you have to purchase at a significant cost from Adobe. However there are alternatives. First, you’ll need to read the basics in THIS support form post. You’ll need the AdobeAIR SDK, the Blackberry…

  • Learn to program for the Blackberry Playbook with code samples. Intro.

    I’m trying to teach myself ActionScript to be able to develop applications for the Blackberry Playbook. After a bit of a false start when I was tried jumping in at the deep end and trying to pull information out of a SQL Lite database, I decided that I should probably stop, go back to the…

  • Compile Blackberry Playbook Applications without using Flash Builder

    Blackberry have some great info on how to develop applications for their new Playbook HERE but it uses Adobe Flash Builder. Which you have to purchase at a significant cost from Adobe. However there are alternatives. First, you’ll need to read the basics in THIS support form post. You’ll need the AdobeAIR SDK, the Blackberry…