Pre-Update Steps
Login to the servers as root
Download the update to the server
1) change to the plexmeduaserver directory
root@plex:/ # cd/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver
2) stop the plexmediaserver service
root@plex:/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver # service plexmediaserver stop
Stopping plexmediaserver.
Cleaning up leftover child processes.
3) Copy the plex update to the current directory
3) Unzip the Plex update (the exact name of the update will be slightly different to what is shown
root@plex:/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver # tar -zavf PlexMediaServer-
4) Check it looks like it is suppose to (optional)
root@plex:/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver # ls PlexMediaServer-
Plex Commercial Skipper
Plex DLNA Server
Plex Media Fingerprinter
Plex Media Scanner
Plex Media Server
Plex Relay
Plex Script Host
Plex Transcoder
Plex Tuner Service
5) Copy everything from the newly created folder to the current folder (the exact name of the folder will be slightly different to what is shown)
root@plex:/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver # cp -r PlexMediaServer-* .
6) Start the service again
root@plex:/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver # service plexmediaserver start
Starting plexmediaserver.
7) Check the service status
root@plex:/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver # service plexmediaserver status
plexmediaserver is running as pid 5859.
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