I had to rebuild my Windows7 Media Center PC a little while ago, that all went OK and its working fine now. I can watch all the media OK and add new media to it from me Windows Vista PC OK. So I thought everything was OK with.
However, I built and XP laptop over the weekend for testing, and couldn’t connect to the Windows7 PC at all. It was freaking me out for a while. It all looked fine, I could connect from my VistaPC, what the heck was going on!
So, as you do I turned to Google for the answer. I found the answer at Windows7 Forums.
What you have to do i, after sharing the folders of your choice,
- unjoin any “homegroups.”
- make sure your connection is considered a “HOME” connection.
There are a few more options at Windows networking fixed!!(w7 to xp) , but just doing these two options worked for me.
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