Category: OSX

  • How to Unhide the User Library Folder on a Mac

    By default the Library folder in your home folder is hidden, who knows why. To unhide it, use the following commands. 1. Go to Finder. 2. Click on Go. 3. Click on Utilities. 4. Open Terminal. 5. Type chflags nohidden ~/Library 6. Press Return. 7. Go to the Library folder.

  • Setting the hostname on your Mac

    Setting the hostname on your Mac using scuttle Open a terminal. Type the following command to change the primary hostname of your Mac: sudo scutil –set HostName <new host name> Type the following command to change the Bonjour hostname of your Mac: sudo scutil –set LocalHostName <new host name> Optional: If you also want to…

  • How to automount an SMB share in Mac OS X

    How to automount an SMB share in Mac OS X Connect to your network share, in Finder, Select Go, then Connect to server Enter the credentials for your login to your network drive and tick the ‘remember in keychain’ Open system settings, select users and groups then click on login items Drag the icon for your…

  • How to install Windows 10 in Bootcamp


  • Moving a Lightroom catalog from PC to Mac

    Something along these lines, On your Windows PC Select File then Export to Catalog Select a name and location for the new export catalog Wait a long time for it to copy the catalog file and all your photos to the new location. On your Mac Create a new Catalog in your desired location From…

  • Create a bootable installer for macOS

    Example: sudo /Applications/Install macOS –volume /Volumes/MyVolume –applicationpath /Applications/Install macOS See the Apple Support page here : or watch this video TIP: You will probably need to erase the HDD using the disk utility before installing. If you do, chose what ever name you like, one of the Mac Formats and make sure to choose…

  • Take pictures of the screen on your Mac

    Press Shift-Command-3 to take a picture of the whole screen. To capture just part of the screen, press Shift-Command-4. To take a picture of a window, press Shift-Command-4-Space bar, move the pointer over the window, then click. To cancel, press Escape before you click. After you take a screenshot, it appears as a PNG file…

  • How To Install OSX on PC (in a VM)

    Great video, it does actually work. Check comments for added instructions, especially if you upgrade to Sierra. Thanks, Malcolm

  • How to Change Your Computer Name on Mac OS X

    How to Change Your Computer Name on Mac OS X Open System Preferences Click Sharing Change the name in the Computer Name field. If you’re a fan of the command prompt you can also do it there like this, sudo scutil –set HostName NewHostNameHere

  • How to Change Your Computer Name on Mac OS X How to Change Your Computer Name on Mac OS X When you’re sharing stuff back and forth between your computers, the names of those computers actually start to matter — in my case, I upgraded to a new MacBook Air because my old one has a dead screen and is out of warranty, so…