Category: Apple
Remapping the delete key on MacOS High Sierra
To change the Delete key actually delete rather than backspace, run this command: $ hidutil property –set ‘{“UserKeyMapping”:[{“HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc”:0x70000004C,”HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst”:0x70000002A},{“HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc”:0x70000002A,”HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst”:0x70000004C}]}’ to change it back again, run this command: $ hidutil property –set ‘{“UserKeyMapping”:[{“HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc”:0x70000002A,”HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst”:0x70000002A},{“HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc”:0x70000002A,”HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst”:0x70000002A}]}’ Source :
How to restore your hard drive from a Time Machine backup
How to restore your hard drive from a Time Machine backup Whether you’re having major problems with your current hard drive or upgrading to a new Mac, Time Machine can help you get back to business. Power up your Mac and hold down the Command and R keys to enter the macOS Recovery Partition. Your…
iCloud Drive Path for Terminal in Mac OS
To access your iCloud Drive from the terminal in MacOS use this path ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/
Apple Watch Model Numbers
1st Gen / 7000 Series Series 1 Series 2 38mm 42mm 38mm 42mm 38mm 42mm A1553 A1554 A1802 A1803 A1757 A1758 A1816 MP022X/A MP032X/A MP082X/A MP062X/A MNNL2X/A MNNG2X/A MNNL2X/A MQ152X/A MP062X/A MNPJ2X/A MP0A2X/A MQ192X/A
6 Text Navigation Shortcuts for Mac
6 Text Navigation Shortcuts The first group of keyboard shortcuts allow for quickly moving around text: Jump to beginning of a line– Command+Left Arrow Jump to end of a line– Command+Right Arrow Jump to beginning of current word– Option+Right Arrow Jump to end of current word– Option+Right Arrow Jump to beginning of all text– Command+Up…
Getting Started with CocoaPods
Installation make sure the ruby system is up to date $ sudo gem update –system install cocoapods $ sudo gem install cocoapods If you get an error message about fuzzy_match, try this command instead, $ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods setup the pods $ pod setup To Test / use cocoa pods Create a…
How to record an App Preview
1. Connect your iPhone or iPad to you Mac 2. Open Quick Time Player 3. From the File menu, Choose new Movie recording 4. Fromt the drop down next to the record button choose you iphone/ipad for video and microphone 5. Click record 6. Do steps 7. Click Stop 8. File | Save 9. Add…
How to burn an ISO to a USB stick
Here is how to write a ISO file to a USB stick so you can boot from it. Run the diskutil command to get a list of disk. Be very careful to make sure you select the correct disk. Here its easy its the only one that is 8.0GB in size. NOTE: I have removed…
How to burn an ISO image to a CD/DVD in OS X
Insert the blank DVD When OS X prompts what to do with the blank disk click Ignore Find the ISO file in Finder Right Click and choose Burn Image “…” to Disc
How to erase a rewritable CD or DVD in OS X
Its rather simple actually. Insert the CD or DVD into the SuperDrive You should see an icon appear on the desktop like when you mount any other drive. Simply right click on the icon and choose erase. NOTE: I’ve had OS X not recognise a DVD and only give me the Ignore and Eject…